First of all, Birth defects can affect the appearance, it affects the body’s function, and more. Not all birth defects can be dangerous but some can lead to death and some can be fixed with surgery. A deathly birth defect is Zika virus, zika virus is caused by a certain mosquito. The mosquito bites people and they then have the virus but most people don’t even know that they have it, so when a male or female with the virus decides to have a baby that baby will then have the virus that will cause a birth defect. A baby with zika virus will expect to have a small head or body.
Next, Doctors are trying to find a …show more content…
way to help cure and stop some birth defects from happening but haven’t found one yet. One birth defect that doctors have helped but not cured is Down Syndrome, it is a birth defect that changes the way that the brain thinks. A way that doctors and teachers have helped children with Down Syndrome is by in kids schools the have a program to help the kids with down syndrome learn.
Last, I personally think that doctors aren’t working enough on how to stop and give more help to kids who have a birth defect and how to prevent it.
There was a case for infant baby Jane Doe born in new york with severe spinal defects. Her family got her the surgery to help for Jane Doe but still will live with mental and physical disabilities. Because of this case the government will decide if this is something we should look into to make this a priority to figure out. Although with this case the parents wanted to hold back on the treatment but the doctors did not. The hospital went to court and ordered the family to get the surgery, but their was a violation with the law and baby doe died. One way to stop birth defects is finding the defect during the pregnancy and stop it
Birth defects can be caused by many different things, and many will get diagnosed but. Birth defects will affect all kinds of things and can ruin someone’s life and people aren’t doing much to stop it.