The conclusive development, which led to the end of the Federation was the withdrawal of Jamaica who were the largest member of the Federation, they departed from the federation in 1961. This also led to the now famous statement of Dr Eric Williams, the then Premier of Trinidad and Tobago that, one from ten leaves nought, referring to the departure of Jamaica which justified his decision to withdraw Trinidad and Tobago from the Federal arrangement a short while later. The West Indies Federation collapsed in January of 1962 but its end, in some ways is regarded as the real beginning of what is now the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The demise of the Federation meant the dawn of a more serious effort on the part of the Political leaders of the Caribbean to strengthen the bonds between the islands by providing for the maintenance and reinforcement of the areas of cooperation that existed during the time of the Federation. After announcing the end of the Federation the government of Trinidad and Tobago suggested the creation of a Caribbean Community,