* Be absolutely certain that you don't allow your children to be exposed to …show more content…
If you accomplish this, you will be casting yourself in the a highly favorable light in the view of the Court. If you seem to the Court to have left your children to the care of your former spouse, you will, in all probability, lose your custody battle.
* Do your everything possible to hire a very competent attorney who can really help you with your custody case. An attorney who holds your best interests as a top priority will be your best ally in your quest for custody of your children. Unfortunately, finding that kind of attorney is often a real gamble.
As a result, you need to have another resource at your disposal, that can provide an alternate source of important information and advice to help you. That way, if your attorney turns out to be indifferent and simply interested in collecting fees while doing as little actual work as possible, you have another source of help. Another type of situation that will often arise with an attorney is that they are simply not able to keep up with all the relevant psychological and legal theories, the kinds of evidence, and the types of allegations that will work (or will fail to work) in the