I believe the legalization of same-sex marriage was the right thing to do for a few reasons First, everyone deserves to be happy regardless of their gender or their significant other’s gender.
Next, I agree that sexual orientation is something an individual is most likely born with. I disagree that sexual orientation can be chosen, but it may be possible that it is learned. For example, because children learn from imitation, this may be possible if there is a model of homoseuality in the child’s life. In my opinion, I don’t think sexual orientation can be chosen because some homosexuals may get bullied by peers or even family members. There are most likely other obstacles that may come with an individual’s sexual orientation as well. With that being said, I don’t think a person would chose to be gay if they would be
There are two ways in which a student is motivated to learn, these motivations are intrinsic and extrinsic. Individuals that are motivated intrinsically, are motivated by the sense of personal satisfaction. For example, the sense of mastering the task at hand. On the other hand, Individuals that are motivated extrinsically, are motivated by receiving something from others. An example of this, can be receiving an award for doing a task. Students that are motivated intrinsically would be at disadvantage if his or her school used concrete rewards to increase adaptive behavior. This would be because that student isn’t motivated by receiving something from others. That student is motivated by the satisfaction that comes from achieving something. Grades on assignments can impact learning in a few possible ways. First, grades on assignments can motivate a student to study more in order to get a good grade. Next, grades on assignments can create stress and nervousness, which can result in doing poorly on an assignment such as a test.