
Essay On Dick Gregory To Kill A Mockingbird

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Essay On Dick Gregory To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird was a book written by Harper Lee in the 1960’s. The book is about a young girl named Scout, a tomboy, whose mother died when she was a very young girl. One day when Scout went to school a kid started calling her father names, and when she got home her dad explained that he was defending a man named Tom Robinson in a case. In this case, Tom Robinson, a black man, gets accused of raping Mayella, a white woman. Which brings on my second article called “Dick Gregory’s devastating, and funny attack on racism”. In the article, there is a black comedian that tells jokes to the white community. Therefore, the topic presented in the book and the article is racism. “Dick Gregory’s devastating, and funny, attack on racism” brings forth the topic of racism because this was an African American man who …show more content…
THe case brought up discrimination in the book where it states," Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed."(Lee, 241). This excerpt from the book supports the topic of racism because it shows that no matter what evidence the defendant has that they are not guilty if they are of the African Ameican race they will be proven guilty. The jury would bring their grievances to the court room so Tom was proven guilty before he even got into the courtroom. ordinarily, there is another passage in the book that states, "he [Tom Robenson] kept himself clean, went to church and all that, but when it comes down to the line the veneer's mighty thin. Nigger always comes out in 'em."(Lee, 240). Accordingly, the except shows just how abhorrent the white people thought of the African Americans. The white people thought that if you didn't have the same skin color as them then there would be this demon in you that would come out in one way or another. Thereupon, one of the main topics of Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird is

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