Animals do possess souls and you can tell many animals moods by facial expressions showing they are happy or sad or their body language which can show anger, if they are uncomfortable or aggravated. I believe that animals can be reincarnated into humans and humans can be reincarnated into other animals. Animals both empathize and sympathize, they have …show more content…
If they are in the wild, it would depend on the factor of predator and prey. If an animal is high on the food chain, they are prey for a lot of animals do not have many rights and live day by day in hopes of not being killed. If the animal is domesticated like a dog or cat the rights are different (or should be). They should not have to live in fear and in constant search of their next meal, they should be living more peaceful. There is a major problem with domesticated animals though, because almost anyone can buy a cat or dog and humans do not always have the best intentions for them. Dogs get put into dog fights, and animals of all kinds are mistreated by owners or thrown out because they do not want to take care of them any longer. There are also animals used for experimenting like rabbits, mice and rats. These animals have no rights and are not treated as living beings with feelings like they are.
What differentiates humans from animals is when it comes to mating some animals only mate to have offspring, which at this day and age for humans is not so true. Many people in America, have the ability to eat whatever, whenever; most animals do not eat just for fun or out of boredom, they eat to stay alive. If the animal is a pet it can be different because owners can feed them too much causing them to become