Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Paper
Elder Mistreatment
Elder mistreatment is a widespread problem in our society that is often under-recognized by health care professionals. As a result of growing public outcry over the past 20 years, all states now have abuse laws that are specific to older adults; most states have mandated reporting by all health care professionals. The term "mistreatment" includes physical abuse and neglect, psychological abuse, financial exploitation and violation of rights. Poor health, physical or cognitive impairment, alcohol abuse and a history of domestic violence are some of the risk factors for elder mistreatment. Diagnosis of elder mistreatment depends on acquiring a detailed history from the patient and the caregiver. It also involves performing a comprehensive physical examination. Only through awareness, a healthy suspicion and the performing of certain procedures are physicians able to detect elder mistreatment. Once it is suspected, elder mistreatment should be reported to adult protective services (HHS fact sheet, 2005). It is estimated that over 2 million older adults are mistreated each year in the United States. Elder mistreatment first gained attention …show more content…
Reasons elder abuse may be missed or not reported by health care professionals include unfavorable attitude toward older adults (ageism), little information in medical literature about elder mistreatment, reluctance to attribute signs of mistreatment (disbelief),isolation of victims (patient not seen often by physicians/health care providers), subtle presentation (i.e., poor hygiene or dehydration), reluctance/fear of confronting the offender, reluctance to report mistreatment that is only suspected, mistreated person requests that abuse not be reported (patient/physician privilege), lack of knowledge about proper reporting procedure, fear of jeopardizing relationship with hospital or nursing