Abuse is hurting the elderly because it is happening in many different ways. The types of abuse that are happening to the elderly are physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Common forms of physical abuse are hitting, beating, kicking, pushing and pinching. Frequent …show more content…
Elderly citizens that have suffered abuse have a 30 percent higher risk of death than those that have not been abused. A psychological impact on health after physical abuse is they can develop stress disorders such as, depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. The society is also is affected by abuse on the elderly citizens. People tend to have apprehension about getting older. Which means they are fueling dissention and anxiety. Feelings of helpless and being overwhelmed are commonly reported from people that have been accused of elderly abuse. The elderly that suffer from abuse have a much shorter life expectancy.
Abuse in the nursing homes causes a lot of unnecessary taxpayer money. Abuse causes unnecessary taxpayer money because if the elderly are abused than they are getting hurt and they are going to need more care. If the abuse is bad enough then they will have more medical issues or even go into intensive care. Also abuse can cause longer stays at the nursing homes which requires more staff. An estimated 5.3 billion dollars is spent annually in America to provide health care to elderly citizens that have suffered abuse . A lot of this money is provided by society through programs paid for by