Others may argue that the minorities are still protected, and that the smaller states are still represented. Yes, the states are represented, but the largely populated states such as Ohio and California have the most influence on the election, As small states quickly ring in their votes, only having 3 to 4 districts in the entire state. The small states are represented but they should more accounted for as the Electoral College is based solely on the electors and districts in the states. Other districts may be Republican, others may be Democratic, but as the count comes in, one side is always neglected and wins nothing out of losing a state by a small margin of votes. Minorities are counted as they vote and percentage wise, minorities don't vote as often as while males who are in their mid 40’s to early 60’s. In conclusion, the Electoral College is obsolete. It doesn’t account for us Americans, it’s simply to show district's views on a candidate. Electoral College should be abolished and replaced with the new and modern popular vote. The popular vote will take on a whole new road for the next elections to come, and definitely eliminate the anger citizens feel once their candidate is not chosen, while their candidate was running off with the popular vote of the nation. America wants to voice their opinion, not be separated by their
Others may argue that the minorities are still protected, and that the smaller states are still represented. Yes, the states are represented, but the largely populated states such as Ohio and California have the most influence on the election, As small states quickly ring in their votes, only having 3 to 4 districts in the entire state. The small states are represented but they should more accounted for as the Electoral College is based solely on the electors and districts in the states. Other districts may be Republican, others may be Democratic, but as the count comes in, one side is always neglected and wins nothing out of losing a state by a small margin of votes. Minorities are counted as they vote and percentage wise, minorities don't vote as often as while males who are in their mid 40’s to early 60’s. In conclusion, the Electoral College is obsolete. It doesn’t account for us Americans, it’s simply to show district's views on a candidate. Electoral College should be abolished and replaced with the new and modern popular vote. The popular vote will take on a whole new road for the next elections to come, and definitely eliminate the anger citizens feel once their candidate is not chosen, while their candidate was running off with the popular vote of the nation. America wants to voice their opinion, not be separated by their