Making healthcare affordable and accessible to all Americans is one of the top priorities of the federal government. In order “to reach this goal, the federal government and many medical professionals strongly advocate the implementation of electronic health care records” (Steward, 2005). What is an electronic medical record (EMR)? An electronic medical record (EMR) is a computerized medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital or physician's office that can be “shared” between physician’s offices, hospitals, etc. “Electronic medical records have the potential to do great things for the health care industry. Such a system may decrease health care costs, increase the quality of …show more content…
patient care, facilitate better departmental communication, create less paper confusion, allow use with authorized access only, allow storage of digital images, and increase overall efficiency in the health care system. Electronic medical records can increase the ability to “identify and treat those who are at risk for disease, conduct vital research, detect fraud and abuse, and measure and improve the quality of care delivered in the U.S.” (Steward, 2005).
With the federal government mandating the implementation of electronic medical records (EMR) for all healthcare providers, how is this going to affect the patient? The patient will benefit in many ways from the EMR. Because their records will be stored electronically, it will save the patient time and money. In physician’s offices all across the country patients are seeing “exam rooms sport desktop computers, which physicians use not only for entering data on new patients sitting next to them, but also as a tool for discussing their test results or X-rays and going over treatment options. And if they want to e-mail their doctor to discuss them, they can expect a swift response” (Marshall, 2010). Some physician’s are also implementing a system in which the patient can not only e-mail their office, but also have the ability to look at their medical records (including test results) in the comfort of their own home. EMR’s can also help prevent prescription errors, allergic reactions, and treatment delays.
A patient’s medical record is essential to every healthcare provider that is involved with the care and treatment of the patient. The medical record provides healthcare providers with necessary personal and historical information, lab, radiology, and other test results, the course or treatment(s) for every condition or ailment that the patient is receiving, will receive or has ever received, as well as the results of said treatments. This being said, it is crucial for healthcare providers to work in conjunction with the federal government to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the patient’s medical records.
Electronic medical records (EMR’s) are designed to help healthcare providers maintain a higher level of security in regards to the privacy and confidentiality of their patients.
When an EMR system is implemented and the provider has “meaningful use” of the system, there will be less need for faxing, mailing and copying a patient’s medical records, thus lowering the chances of a breach of privacy. Healthcare providers will be able to look at real-time information on their patients from their office, laptop, and smartphones. The downside of this new technology is that the patient’s information might be more accessible to computer …show more content…
“The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to adopt standards for electronic medical transactions. HIPAA’s Administrative Simplification sections outline the necessary criteria for standardizing electronic transmission of health information, by focusing on the need to protect security, integrity, and authenticity of health information”(Steward, 2005). “HIPAA states that covered entities are required to protect the confidentiality or integrity of medical information stored in electronic records and integrated information systems against reasonably anticipated threats. Under HIPAA, covered entities must implement safeguards that include regularly reviewing records that track patient information system activity, identifying and responding to security violations, and applying appropriate sanctions against employees who do not comply with a covered entity’s security procedures and policies” (Steward, 2005). If healthcare providers or their employees are found to be in violation of HIPAA regulations, they (the individual that is guilty and the facility) will be fined, and if there are violation reoccurrences, the employees could lose their certification or license and the facility could be closed. Privacy and confidentiality are taken very seriously by healthcare providers and the federal government.
The electronic medical record is different from other modes of communication used in healthcare. Web-based forums provide patients a method of mass communication on health related topics. Websites such as and offer patients an arena in which they can get answers to health related questions from licensed professionals, other patients, family, friends and caregivers who have experienced the same conditions.
E-mail provides the patient and physician (or representative of the physician) the opportunity to communicate with each other without the patient having to make an office visit or a phone call. E-mail also allows the provider to send the patient information electronically instead of thru fax or mail, so the patient can access the information a lot faster. With web-based forums and e-mail the patient will still have to visit the healthcare provider in order to be examined, discuss treatments and start a treatment regimen and the patient will have to provide each healthcare provider that they see with the same information multiple times.
With the EMR system, the patient will only have to provide their personal information and medical history once. The information will be saved electronically so as long as the patients primary physician, hospital of choice, and specialist use or have access to the same EMR system, the patient should only have to provide the initial information once and all providers can access the information that they need.
“When tackling the ethical and professional challenges related to online social networking with patients, a healthcare institution must have a policy on Internet use (including e-mails from patients) specifically addressing online clinician and patient interactions.
Because these are very popular and convenient communication tools, having a policy that clearly defines how this avenue will be utilized will help set the expectations up front” (Tariman, 2010). Some suggest that it would be appropriate to have two separate accounts, one for business and one for personal use. Many healthcare providers are using a facebook account to help their practice or facility
grow. A social networking site, such as facebook, “is a good marketing tool that can help keep people up to date. It can do the following: disseminate information quickly and to a large population for no cost, send a message to patients that the institution is on the cutting edge, provide a venue for online chats on various health-related topics, serve as a bulletin for posting upcoming events such as health-related seminars and community activities” (Tariman, 2010). When healthcare providers decide to implement electronic medical records, they need to fully research all options and chose the system that meets the needs of their facility as well as their patients. Having the right EMR system and using it to the fullest extent possible can be very beneficial to the healthcare provider(s), facility, and the patient. Another thing that the provider or facility needs to take into careful consideration is the means of security that will be used to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of their patients.
Lastly, the healthcare provider has to decide if the use of social networking sites and media is right for their facility and patient base. Technology is ever changing especially in healthcare, providers want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology in order to provide their patients with the best healthcare possible without going bankrupt in the process, having a EMR system that is “meaningfully used” can keep the patient and provider connect in a way never seen before and help the patient receive improved healthcare with a lesser chance for errors by the provider.
Marshall, L. (2010). Going Digital. Coloradobiz, 37(10), 52. Retrieved from
Steward, M. (2005). Electronic medical records: privacy, confidentiality, and liability. Journal of Legal Medicine, 26(4), 491-506. doi:10.1080/01947640500364762
Tariman, J. (2010). Where to draw the line: professional boundaries in social networking. ONS Connect, 25(2), 10-13. Retrieved from