
Essay On Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research Editorial Embryonic stem cell research is a very controversial topic in science today. Many people believe that it is morally wrong; others believe that it is an obvious solution to stem cell therapies and cures for disease. I personally believe that the research of embryonic stem cells is a perfectly good answer to many medical issues within the human body. While it is understandable that some people believe it to be wrong or immoral, it needs to be recognized that it could potentially lead to the knowledge of information needed to cure many diseases. There is no denying that the conception of embryonic stem cell research is an incredible idea that could change the way scientists and doctors look at cellular diseases forever. It …show more content…

By using aborted and unused embryos, it would essentially be saving two lives instead of one. The first life being the person that it would hopefully end up curing, and the second being the life of the embryo that would otherwise be wasted. While many people believe that using embryonic stem cells is taking potential lives and that the thought of killing embryos sounds very off-putting, using cells that would otherwise be discarded saves both the lives of future people needing a cure and the embryos that would be discarded out. The study of embryonic stem cells might just be the beginning of a whole new age of medical cell related information and discovery. The cure for disease may possibly be just around the corner. This research has already lead to thoughts of replacement cells and tissues, correction of medical conditions errors, and stem cell therapies and this is only the beginning. Imagine what more will be discovered in just a few years. This research is helping scientists learn substantial information in such a short period of time. It would actually be immoral NOT to use these embryos for embryonic stem cell

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