Cows are used to make dairy and meat. Veal, beef, and dairy are the three different types of cows that are in factory farms. Veal calves are used for they are inefficient beef producers.( ) These calves have a diet and they can barely move and this is so that our chicken/ meat can be delicate. They are stuck in small spaces and don’t get …show more content…
to go outdoors where the grass and sun is. Beef cows are the only factory farm animal that is raised outdoors, this is better than being in a stall all day not being able to move around but it still has flaws. They are in the outdoors in the worst possible weather and sometimes they stand in mud,ice, their poop ( When we go to the doctors or dentists, before we get a painful treatment they give us painkillers. But for the cows it's different because they are tortured and have their horns taken from them. Dairy cows are usually kept indoors and if they are exposed to the outdoor life, these cows see concrete but no grass at all. Dairy cows experience widespread infections such as bacterial pain where the cow's udder is located and this causes swelling if not treated properly. These cows usually meet their end at a beef slaughterhouse. (
When pigs are confused it causes them frustration. Their frustration and confusion can lead to the pigs going mentally insane; pigs can start biting other pigs tails. The farm responds to this by cutting off the pigs tails and just like the cows, there are no painkillers given to the pigs. Farms also remove the testicles from the baby male pigs, without painkillers,due to the fact that the uncastrated males don’t satisfy the consumers taste and smell. ( Pigs that live on factory farms only live up to about six months when they can live for 15 years or more when living at a non-factory farm. Sows that are in factory farms live in a crate that they can barely move or turn around. The crate is no bigger than the sow’s body and the sow is there to reproduce artificially without a male. After they give birth, they take care of the baby pig for a few weeks and then go back to their crate and repeat the cycle once again. Americans see pigs as food and pets. (
Did you know that chickens can live for 10 years, but those on factory farms are usually killed by six weeks of age(
There are three types of birds that are raised in factory farm and these include broiler chickens,turkeys,and egg laying hens. Broiler chickens are raised and 20,000 chickens or more live together in one big shed( These poor chickens live in their own poop and pee and this condition can lead to ammonia levels increasing. The effects to this situation can lead to burning and irritation of their eyes,skin,and throat.Lady chickens grow up and are raised to lay eggs but there is no market for male chicks. Male chicks aren’t supposed to be raised for meat and after they are born they are killed crushing or suffocation. When these animals get stressed from being crammed together in one area this leads to fighting. So in order to resolve this, the farmers tend to slice or burn off the hens beaks ( ). Turkeys are given hormones and when they have the urge to fly, they can’t because they are too big and can’t carry their own