The Fair Work Commission is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal. They work closely with the Fair Work Ombudsman to solve workplace disputes. The Fair Work Commission carries out a range of functions like providing; a minimum wage and awards, making good bargainings in the workplace, having solutions for unfair dismissals, monitor industrial actions, resolving workplace disputes through conciliation, mediation and less likely arbitration.They help with workplace problems like bullying, underpaid workers, unsuitable working conditions,unrealistic expectations and discrimination.
The Fair Work Commission was introduced in 1904. At that time it was called Fair Work Australia, the name only changed to Fair Work Commission in 2009 under the Fair Work Act. In 1907 Harvester established a minimum wage of 7 …show more content…
In 1904, the Fair Work Australia was established, they established one of their most know about laws in 1907 and 1913 and only recently in 2016. The name Fair Work Commission came about in 2009 under the Fair Work Act. If the Fair Work Commission wasn’t established the workplace would look alot different. Businesses would take advantage of humans and use them as slaves. The workers would get paid little or maybe even no money for massive hours of physical