First Aid is the medical care given to an ill or injured person before the arrival of professional responders. First aid is basic medical care given to an ill or injured person by a non-professional in an emergency. What is interesting is the purpose of first aid; to prevent further harm - for example, if someone has collapsed in the middle of a road where they might not be seen, you want to make sure that they won't get hit by a car too. To preserve life - so to prevent them deteriorating, this is pretty much the point of CPR, just to stop things worsening until someone more qualified can take over. To promote rescue - sometimes, first aid can be the only care needed, for example, for a small cut, and everything done to ensure it recovers is done by the first aided
The concept of ABC
A = Airway:
Turn the victim on to their back and then open the …show more content…
In patients at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure (see below) aim for an oxygen saturation of 88–92%.
The first part of the primary survey is always assessing the airway. This includes checking for potential injury to the cervical spine. Until cervical spine injury has been ruled out, open the patient's airway using a jaw-thrust maneuver with manual, in-line stabilization of the neck. If you find food, blood, vomitus, or other debris, suction the airway quickly to prevent aspiration. To better remove secretions, you may need to carefully logroll the patient to his side. Manually stabilize his neck and spine as you do so.
If the patient can't maintain a patent airway because of copious secretions, an impaired level of consciousness, or other critical injuries, he'll need endotracheal intubation. Insert a large-diameter (#18 French catheter) gastric tube as soon as possible after intubation to decompress his stomach and remove gastric contents. Remember, even after the airway has been secured, he could still vomit and