How many American lives do we have to lose in order to protect a country? How much money do we need to funnel into our military for unnecessary causes? Throughout the past hundred years, America has been in six primary wars that I don’t believe we're all unnecessary.
Many civilians agree that America were in many wars that would have been best to stay away from. Veterans will defend the fact that the war they were a function of was completely necessary. We lost 58,000 american lives preventing communism from spreading into South Vietnam, some would defend the idea by saying that South Vietnam are our allies and its America’s mission to defend. We spent years in the Middle-East only making problems worse by fixing previous problems, the best example would be the Persian Gulf War were we went into Iraq and Kuwait in !990 because the Dictator of Iraq ordered an attack on Kuwait, And because Hussein disobeyed the terms of the UNSC and the blame of killing 300,000 lives, But out of the outcome of the death of Hussein, the …show more content…
Our nation's government has thought of clever tricks to drag us into war for reasons as small as oil, and the Middle East harnesses america’s largest compository of oil in the world. Americans speculate that the World Trade Center was a planned attack for a reason for America to go into Afghanistan. There are several evidence that backs up America’s own attack on the World Trade Center, most reasons for the attack was to go into the Afghanistan War according to most Conspiracy Theorists. To back up the idea, here are some theories: there were some explosives in the same region that the planes hit, you can base that this is true because if you rewatch the footage, you can see an explosion go off seconds before impact. Another fact is that there were Federal Agents inside the buildings only hours