“This isn’t freedom. We’re holding a gun to every citizen’s head and calling it security” (Captain America). America has freedom but not the most freedom in the world it is classified as mostly free. Although with the American Dream some people believe that the dream is still attainable and relevant because they still have the freedom that the people from America are all promised, others argue that the American Dream is not relevant and is not possible to be attained today because all Americans are promised the same amount of freedom and they are not given that freedom.
Some Americans say that the American Dream is still relevant and attainable. This is believed because Americans still have the protection of freedom and …show more content…
the rights to happiness. Americans do not remember that the soldiers who went overseas to protect the country are what makes the American Dream still relevant. In the essay titled, “Veterans Day: Never Forget Their Duty” by John Sidney McCain it says “Duty, honor, country. We must never forget those thousands of Americans who, with their courage, with their sacrifice and with their lives, made those words live for all of us” (McCain 7). The soldiers who fought for the people of America’s freedom is what the people need to remember because they were not forced to go and serve, they did it out of their own sake and their own lives. “The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple. They are: Equality of opportunity for youth and for others. Jobs for those who can work. Security for those who need it. The ending of special privilege for the few. The preservation of civil liberties for all. The enjoyment- The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living” (Roosevelt 44). Roosevelt is defending the American Dream by showing that America is trying to become equal and they want every American to be treated the same and not one treated better than the others.
While some Americans believe that the American Dream is still attainable and relevant, many others still feel most of America has suffered from poor treatment.
Since early times, minorities countrywide have been through struggles such as discrimination and unsafe working conditions. “I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes,” (Hughes 13). Hughes was talking about when a slave was discriminated and had their freedom taken away from them by their master because they were a slave but, they are considered an American. “Veterinarians tend to the needs of domestic animals but they can’t have medical care for the workers. They can have land subsides for the growers but they can’t have adequate unemployment compensation for the workers. They treat him like a farm implement “(Terkel 75). They could provide things for the farm and the animals that live on the farm but they couldn’t provide health and safety to the workers. They can also give money to the growers but that can’t have a stable payment going to the workers. “These pesticides affect the farm worker through the lungs. He breathes it in. He gets no compensation. All they do is say he’s sick. They don’t investigate the cause” (Terkel 75). When the farm worker is breathing in all those pesticides daily and getting sick the employer are just saying he is sick is not okay because without inspecting what is actually going on those workers could be severely impacted by
the pesticides or even poisoned. With the unsafe working conditions no one should be allowed to work there. With what the farm conditions are it is unsafe for any person to work there if not given the correct treatments.
The American Dream is something people will debate for years because everyone feels different about whether the American Dream is still attainable and relevant. With what is discussed it is all important because it opens the reader mind to see that not everything is not okay. Everything has different stories and different outcomes, everyone deserves the same freedom and they all do not deserve to be discriminated against. All Americans are human and they all have feelings and everyone needs to be treated the same.