This type of energy, Ethanol can be used as …show more content…
In some cases, the price for blended Ethanol and Gasoline can be less since it is a "low -cost alternative fuel", 66% of regular gas prices. The positive aspects of using Ethanol is that it is low cost and that it is good for the environment since it emits less CO2 into the atmosphere compared to pure Gasoline. It also makes the levels of hydrocarbon and oxides and nitrogen emissions to lower or to remain fairly constant. It reduces green-house emissions significantly. The negative aspects of using Ethanol are that there is less energy in a blended mixture compared to pure Gasoline. Less energy means less mileage per gallon and so one would have to buy more blended fuel to make up for the loss of energy. Additionally, it can only be used in flex-fuel vehicles and there is limited availability to the fuel. The science behind Ethanol fuel is that Ethanol is produced from plants and "refined" into alcohol, according to ezinearticles "This alcohol is suitable to be used as a bio-fuel in a car and other vehicles." Ethanol is created through fermentation and distillation,"Ethanol is produced by the bacteria that ferment and breakdown carbohydrate sugars, such as the starch from