Although they altered society the attitude only truly stayed around during the 1950s to 1960s. Because the decade that they mainly grew up in was known for conformity, teenagers after WWII rebelled as an act of getting noticed. In the years of the greasers they tried their hardest to get noticed and have a say in what they believed. The typical way that they acted was to not care about anyone but themselves. They used a lot of slang such as “antsville [meaning] a place full of people, chick in skins [meaning] woman in a fur coat, front burner [meaning] current crisis, germsville [meaning] an illness, ginchiest [meaning] coolest, and heels on fire [meaning] in a hurry”
Although they altered society the attitude only truly stayed around during the 1950s to 1960s. Because the decade that they mainly grew up in was known for conformity, teenagers after WWII rebelled as an act of getting noticed. In the years of the greasers they tried their hardest to get noticed and have a say in what they believed. The typical way that they acted was to not care about anyone but themselves. They used a lot of slang such as “antsville [meaning] a place full of people, chick in skins [meaning] woman in a fur coat, front burner [meaning] current crisis, germsville [meaning] an illness, ginchiest [meaning] coolest, and heels on fire [meaning] in a hurry”