The North American grey wolf is the largest member of the dog family. A full grown wolf measures five to six feet from their nose to their tail. The wolf stands twenty-six to thirty-two inches tall at the shoulders. It can weigh anywhere from seventy to one hundred and ten pounds. The female wolf tends to be slightly smaller than the male wolf. The coat of the wolf tends to be tan or a grizzled grey and black. The wolf can also be completely black or completely white. The wolf is also well adapted for hunting with long legs and good senses of hearing and smell. The wolf’s keen hearing senses help it move around in the dark by listening to the rumbling of leaves and grass being stepped on. Its good smell senses helps it find an animal when it is hiding from poachers. The long legs of the wolf also help it catch it’s food faster. (Benson and Nagel 244) …show more content…
A carnivore eats meat. The wolf feeds on a variety of mammals such as large hoofed animals such as elk. Small mammals such as rabbits and beavers are also included in the wolf’s dietary needs. It also feeds on small rodents such as mice. (Benson and Nagel 245)
The North American Grey Wolf lives primarily in North America. They live in wilderness forests as well as Tundra areas in Canada and the United States. They can also live in small pockets in Europe, Asia, and in the Middle East. They can also be primarily found in Alaska and Minnesota. There are only 7,500 to 10,500 grey wolves left in the United States. (Benson and Nagel