A harsh reconstruction would further divide the country and in return deter the growth of the nation. William Grosvenor's way of reconstruction was harmful and spiteful while Herman Melville wanted a forgiving and merciful reconstruction. Mr. Melville even stated,” Yet the work of reconstruction, if admitted to be feasible at all, demands little but common sense and Christian charity,” (Dudley 9). By this, he rightfully said that for reconstruction to be useful all that is needed is to be charitable towards one another and to use common sense for what is right. Herman Melville knew that the most successful way to have reconstruction was leniency and forgiveness; leading to a repaired and reunited
A harsh reconstruction would further divide the country and in return deter the growth of the nation. William Grosvenor's way of reconstruction was harmful and spiteful while Herman Melville wanted a forgiving and merciful reconstruction. Mr. Melville even stated,” Yet the work of reconstruction, if admitted to be feasible at all, demands little but common sense and Christian charity,” (Dudley 9). By this, he rightfully said that for reconstruction to be useful all that is needed is to be charitable towards one another and to use common sense for what is right. Herman Melville knew that the most successful way to have reconstruction was leniency and forgiveness; leading to a repaired and reunited