Challenges you have to face with having a kid with Down syndrome is there will be a lot of appointments and physical therapy involved.
Also when your baby is born there could be a chance of him/her having to stay in the NICU. Now I know what you’re thinking, well I have had a baby with no Down syndrome and they also have a lot of doctors’ appointments and they also had to stay in the NICU? Well, with a baby with Down syndrome they could get a double-bubble while they are still unborn which causes increased levels of amniotic fluid during pregnancy (polyhydramnios) and intestinal obstruction in newborn babies. Now every baby without a disability can get this but it is more common with a baby with a disability to get
this. Kids with Down syndrome acquire a lot of attention and support. They need to be put into physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy and whatever else your doctor thinks they need to help them improve. Kids with Down syndrome are likely to have low muscle tone so with Physical therapy and Occupational therapy it with help approve them. Also, kids with Down syndrome are known to not talk as well as a kid without a disability so that is where Speech therapy comes along. It will help improve them be able to sound out words and say sentences. It is very helpful. I know your probably wondering how I know all of this so I will be happy to tell you. I have a baby brother who was born with Down syndrome. Was it hard? Yes, it was but there is a lot of support systems out there that are willing to help you take it step by step. It’s different but it is wonderful. You can actually learn so much from them. They are smart! And they set goals. My brother is three years old and he can understand both English and Spanish. He also does sign language. He is such an outgoing little boy and I just want everyone to know that if you end up finding out your baby has Down syndrome keep them! They are so great, and you will be so happy.