In this world nothing is free. You have to work for everything in life. But with a good education and a career based job you can achieve the American dream. Many immigrants come to the United States to get freedom and the American Dream. On the other hand, people who live here get welfare and government funded programs, complain that they don’t have expensive luxury items. But some …show more content…
But people use money to many advantages to pay for necessary items in the house that they need. But they use it for stupid things. But this quote is an amazing example of what money does “people get blinded by money; having money with no sense of guidance is the same as being poor.” But I know that there are multiple things I know you can’t buy wit money. For example, you can’t buy love, trust, health, respect, manners, Knowledge, true friends, and etc.
One things for sure The American Dream still exist in the hearts of citizens today and for more to come. Even though the American dream looks different for different people. But it is still the same topic. You can’t give up if you want to successfully achieve your dream. Which was best said by Thomas Edison ”opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.” In other words, we shouldn’t give up just because it looks hard. To successfully achieve are dreams we can’t give up even if we fail, you should get back up and try