have more income. Additionally, some people will complete the American Dream and some of them maybe not complete the American Dream. Also, Paul Krugman writes a book called, “The Death of Horatio Alger” discusses how poor people live in the world and how rich people live. The purpose of this essay is to prove that education, income affect the American Dream and shows that Krugman’s essay was wrong and people can not change their life.
A book called, “The Death of Horatio Alger” Paul Krugman discusses income and how poor people worked. Krugman writes, “The other day I found myself reading a leftist rag that made outrageous claims about America. It said that we are becoming a society in which the poor tend to stay poor, no matter how hard they work” (Krugman 388). Therefore, it means poor people work hard but without any changes, because the managers will know that poor people work hard to make changes so they created new things that make poor people still poor. For instance, make them work until five at evening without the long break so he or she will have to eat lunch at work and waste money. In addition, work extra hours without getting extra money.
Krugman was being so realistic in his essay, he explains about a group of people, in general, he did not focus in one group.
“The myth of income mobility has always exceeded the reality; as a general rule, once they have reached their 30s, people do not move up and down the income ladder very much” (Krugman 389). So, Krugman explains that people in the age of 30s they did not think about change their life and even the income because they think any change will make their life really bad. Also, Krugman mentioned about education and health care at the end of his essay, people without education will not achieve any goals because these days if a person wants to live in this world should he or she have a great education to have more income. People can work with experience but will have a little income which is not helpful for them to live in the society, but maybe some people work with experience and make another work that help he or she in future, also education have a connection with healthcare because people with higher education will work in a great company and have a wonderful healthcare insurance. Agree that a big company will offer insurance for higher education people, but also some of the companies offer poor people a similar insurance but not the same benefits for people with higher
“The Money: Starting out’’ discusses a family from Dominican America. First, the mom did not have a regular job but she just caring about five kids and she always scrimped. Father always losing his jobs, the grandparents were alone in Santo Domingo. Diaz mom hid money and sent the money every six months or so. The author said about money problem “touch it would have meant a violent punishment approaching death” (Diaz 385). So that kids knew where the money was hidden but the mom always told their children does not touch the money. Second, “on the vacation the family went to another city to spend the vacation and when they came back they figure out the front door was unlocked and parents room was opened and they stole mom’s money, also the thieves stolen Dungeons & Dragons hardcover” (Diaz 385). The person who affected was a mom because she cares about kids and parents. After that, Diaz went to neighborhood apartment and he found some of his mom money. He thought about ideas to get back the money, so he kept the bathroom window opened and he went out with his friends than he told his friends he should go back to the apartment. He entered from the window and he found the “Dungeons & Dragons hardcover” and some of his mom money he kept in the envelope he did not have time to search more in the apartment. So, if a one of a family gets the higher education the problem will be change and the life for the family will be different because will not live in a society that a poor people steal from others. Also, mom will complete the American Dream which has a better life for her kids and family.
According to Barbara Ehrenreich “I know nothing about cleaning services like this one, which, according to the brochure I am given, has over three hundred franchises nationwide” (Ehrenreich 395). It means working in any fields is not wrong because the person who works will get money and live in this society. In addition, work in any fields better than sit in the public garden sell things without any goals and sleep there even in bad conditions. For example, work in a hotel cleaning rooms can give a person amount of money can help him or her to live in a small apartment or help their family to improve their life. Moreover, some people work in a hotel and study at the same time so they can improve themselves. Another example, a person he works in two fields, one which his major at morning and in the night he works in a restaurant. After years, he created his own restaurant. So he saves money from the two jobs and help his family and after a while. He created his own restaurant and it’s one of the greatest restaurants in town. Furthermore, “the fact that anyone is working this job at all can be taken as prima facie evidence of some kind of desperation or at least a history of mistakes and disappointments” (Ehrenreich 399). The author wants to explain that some people were working hard to avoid the problems in the future. works in different fields can help a person who wants to change his or her life from bottom to top because work in two fields will give a person more chance to have more money, but the person should think about the future and about the American Dream. A person work in two fields can provide his or her money to a great person who can improve the money to achieve the American Dream. Also, with more money he or she can create a wonderful family and provide a higher education for children in the future. In addition, a person who catches the deal will have the better life from another person.
“All Americans used to be in roughly the same economic boat. Most rose or fell together, as the corporations in which they were employed, the industries comprising such corporations, and the national economy as a whole became more productive—or languished. But national borders no longer define our economic fates. We are now in different boats, one sinking rapidly, one sinking more slowly, and the third rising steadily” (Reich 404). According to Robert Reich, he writes about rich and poor people. He provides on his essay about everyone are in a boat the person who thinks and work hard will be safe in this life, but a person who lay down and think about other things will face problems in his or her life. Everyone in this boat even rich or poor.
There are two groups of Reich people, the first group may have the better life than poor but may they not be safe because they just lay down and waste money and some day will lose all money from his or her control. The second group has same things that the first group has but the different that the second group has more information, they build new ideas to keep money go for the next generations. The second group uses their money to get higher education and work hard to keep the money and live in the society. Also, poor people have two groups, the first group is poor people like work hard to have a better life but the cost for the life is too much expensive, but they work to have a better life, may work in two fields or may work and complete the bachelor degree to have the better job in the future. These types of people will have the better life and if they think about the American dream they will get their goals as soon as possible, also they will be safe in the boat. The second group is people just want to sit, money come to them without work, and do not think about the future. These types of people will face problems because in this world people without work like a person without a heart. Poor people like these are so bad because they do not want to work they just want money to come around them without any movement.
As Reich said, “benefits do not come without certain costs. In particular, the burden is borne by those who no longer have good-paying routine production jobs within advanced economies like the United States” (Reich 407). In the United States, a person with higher education will pay more than a person who does not have an education. The American Dream was a dream for everyone in the United States and also in other countries they have dreams. For example, in Qatar they offer for a higher education person like a doctor even from Arab countries or international they offer them a house, car, and higher salary so these are the things that everyone dreams about it. Therefore, Qatar wants all people in the country are similar to each other even the international people. Also, they offer for poor people a great education to have the better life.
According to Online Qatar, “Salaries in Qatar are more or less similar to that in western nations. But, given the lack of personal taxation, net income is usually higher, and this is one of the major attractions of working in Qatar” (Online Qatar). It means in Qatar people can achieve dreams to have a great life, work in a good place, and sleep at wonderful home. Qatar needs people to come at Qatar because in a few years Qatar will host World Cup 2022. So, they need people to work at Qatar to make Qatar a great place to visit in vacations.
All in all, income is an enormous problem during this time and nobody with lower income may not complete the American Dream because today thing become higher than yesterday and life is different than twenty years ago. A poor person can work all day and does not achieve the American Dream, but some people love to work and get more money to have a better life and change their path, have a better life, and make the family smile.