I couldn’t believe it the problem isn’t the White House or Congress it’s us. In this quote from reporter Kimberly Fletcher from TheBlaze, “it isn’t about parties, politics, race or religion. This is about right and wrong and standing up for truth. There are many players in this war but there are only two armies–light and dark. The time has come for us to realize this and decide which side we’re on. We can no longer hide our heads in the sand, we can no longer sit on the fence, and we can no longer afford to fight amongst ourselves.” She’s right if we want something done and if we want to achieve the hopes I have for this great country the people must stand up and voice their issues. We live in a country where we will not be punished for what we say. Use that privilege to stand and fight for what you think is right. This is our time to shine we must become equal and show others that we are all humans for if we don’t our wonderful country will surely
I couldn’t believe it the problem isn’t the White House or Congress it’s us. In this quote from reporter Kimberly Fletcher from TheBlaze, “it isn’t about parties, politics, race or religion. This is about right and wrong and standing up for truth. There are many players in this war but there are only two armies–light and dark. The time has come for us to realize this and decide which side we’re on. We can no longer hide our heads in the sand, we can no longer sit on the fence, and we can no longer afford to fight amongst ourselves.” She’s right if we want something done and if we want to achieve the hopes I have for this great country the people must stand up and voice their issues. We live in a country where we will not be punished for what we say. Use that privilege to stand and fight for what you think is right. This is our time to shine we must become equal and show others that we are all humans for if we don’t our wonderful country will surely