aspect as well as ECS-SLO.1, I noticed that all major objectives were taught through a faith-based perspective though a Biblical passage might not have been included in each and every PowerPoint slide. However, after being in a previous class taught by Dr. Short, I know how Christian based her teaching usually are, so this might be a biased reflection. Despite this understanding, if these objectives were taught through a different lens (atheism), I feel the like the wording would be drastically different (evolution etc.). For every single major objective that was presented within this class (listed above), I sense a great amount of respect for all those that are in the process of learning.
This idea connected to both the Globally Minded aspect as well as ECS-SLO.2, in which all different types of people are respected and included. I was under the impression that when each concept was presented, there was not only one type of race or culture that was said to succeed and/or thrive (ex. white American boys learn to speak better than African girls). I feel like each topic was presented in a way that included all different types of people and students. It is clearly seen displayed with CBU’s realm of teaching (and especially this course) that learning different theories is a highly desired tool for all students to obtain, and use as they mentally, spiritually, and academically prepare for the field of education. We learned different theories such as the notions of language and cognitive (as well as all the learning objectives listed above) that will prepare us as we prepare to graduate. This concept of analyzing different theorist is clearly displayed through the concept of being Academically Prepared and
ECS-SLO.3. What I greatly appreciate as this semester has come to a close would be the fact that CBU as well as this course clearly pushes all their students to strive, and excel so that they may be prepared to exit college, and enter into the real would being academically prepared as well as have a sense of confidence what we will be ready to do what God has called us to do, in my case teach. What I adore about this course is that all the concepts are taught in a way that they are realistic and obtainable. Theorist are not presented in a way where they just list different men and women and what they believe in, but rather the course presents what in powerful in the realm if teaching, and how we as teachers can uses those truths in order to impact the lives around us. This truth is clearly connected to the last university core, Equipped to Serve and ECS-SLO.4. In conclusion, I would like to make the statement that this course is a useful tool for future educators to use in order to be prepared to do what God has called us to do. I feel like I can realistically use what I was taught in order to impact the lives that will be placed in my future classroom for God’s glory.
Please Note: All ideas and concepts were pulled from ECH 320 course syllabus as well as the PowerPoints discussed during the lectures.