From my own experience I have not been exposed to many interprofessional …show more content…
Knowledge is characterised as social exchange emerging from interactions from each other, they learn about each other in terms of different disciplinary backgrounds, training and perspectives as well as teamwork skills such as leadership, communication and conflict management (Clark, 2004). Knowledge gained through this way is linked to the development of professional judgement, which is more effective than individual ones. Through a collaborative process of learning students can correct each other’s biases and false assumptions as clinical judgement is based on a relationship between people and things rather than people and people. The type of learning here is based on the Piagetian concept of “decentring”, becoming aware of viewpoints other than your own. From this perspective learning with, from and about each other involves elements of decentring that lead to different interprofessional education learning outcomes, including the enrichment, deepening, modification and elimination of knowledge on the part of the participants therefore linking to cognitive changes. However, this learning occurs through a developmental process requiring time and effort, the forces of socialization into individual practice take time and effort to be countered with the message of teamwork and cooperation. In a sense, students need to be socialized into two parallel universes or communities of practice, with differing worldviews; one is the individual profession, the other is the interprofessional team which can present some