Also he kind of killed Piggy because he made Roger feel more angry than he already was. The reason that Piggy was killed is because everyone moved to Jack's tribe and Jack didn’t want piggy to go to their tribe so Roger drop a boulder on Piggy and Piggy dead. Also Jack and his tribe killed simon because he ran out of the forest and they thought it was the beast. For example, Hitler killed some jews because he thought they were different in a way. Jack and Hitler relate because Jack killed some kids that were in the island and Hitler killed some Jews because he thought Jews were bad and they were different so he decided he should kill them. Also Hitler got some Jews and put them in camps and sometime he torchered them or he killed them. That is what Jack does to kill other kids.
In the novel Lord of the Flies Jack used some threat to make the others know that he wanted to be leader. Jack threat some of the others that if they don’t go to their tribe he will kill them. For example, in the novel told samneric that if they didn’t join his tribe that they will be torchered or they will die. Another example, is that that Jack was going to torture Ralph but he only poke him with a stick and he started to bleed. A threat Hitler had was killing the Jew because Hitler thought that Jews were different then the