Major depressive disorder (MDD), more commonly known as depression, is a mental disorder characterized by a consistent and persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. Two of the most common symptoms include sadness and loss of interest in daily activities. Social, occupational, educational or other important functioning must also be negatively impaired by the change in mood. For instance, a person who has missed work or school because of their depression, or has stopped attending classes altogether or attending usual social engagements. A depressed mood caused by substances (such as drugs, alcohol, medications) is not considered a major depressive disorder, nor is one which is caused by a general medical condition. Major depressive disorder generally cannot be diagnosed if a person has a history of manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes (e.g., a bipolar …show more content…
It may be recommended when symptoms are severe or other forms of treatment are ineffective. A carefully-controlled electrical current is passed through the brain, affecting the brain’s electrical activity and producing an improvement in depressive and psychotic symptoms. For some people, other forms of treatment such as medication and counselling have little or no effect on the symptoms of depression or psychosis. This is particularly concerning where symptoms are causing severe distress and the person may even be suicidal. In these cases, ECT seems to be especially helpful, with over 80% of people with depression who receive it reporting an improvement. The brain works through complex electrical and chemical processes. These are affected by mental illnesses, so that they don’t work properly. Like medication, ECT works on these processes so that they operate more normally again and symptoms are