Maslow's hierarchy of needs can explain almost all human behavior. In maslow's hierarchy of needs there are five levels, Biological and physiological, Safety needs, Love and belongingness, esteem needs and self actualized needs. Each level represents a different need for a person to survive. Maslow stated that the lower needs need to be met before the higher ones. His needs has gave me a better understanding about myself and others by, feeling more secure, having better relationships with my friends and having self respect for me and the other people around me.
Maslow's second need talks about the safety needs. From what i understand, this needs …show more content…
This to me is the most need out of all five. His ideas about love and being kind to others has transferred over to my life. Now i am more kind and more self aware of the people around me. the other day my sister was reading this paper she had written, she misspelled large amount of the words. I was going to tease her, but then I remembered maslow's love and belongingness and decided not to. instead, I helped her correct her mistakes. Not only do you need to love others, but you also need to have high self esteem.
Maslow's fourth and fifth needs talk about self actualization and self esteem This involves, mastery, independence, respect for yourself and others and seeking personal growth and peak experiences. These are the top levels of the hierarchy of needs. Self actualization and self esteem has played a major role in my life. The other day on of my friends was being bullied. I went up to my friend and told him to stand up for himself and have self respect. I said it’s not ok for people to treat you like that, have a little pride and confidence.
Overall Maslow's hierarchy of needs have helped me in my life and experiences. I find it really interesting how all of his needs relate to everyday life. His needs came help people become a better person and self actualized. I would suggest anybody who hasn't looked at his needs to glance over them and see how they affect you in your