This theory states that college is just a four year intelligence test. According to Menand a student must have to demonstrate intellectual ability over time and across a wide range of subject matter. No matter how smart they may be on an IQ sense, if they’re sloppy or obnoxious or rigid, that will get picked up in their grades. The Meritocratic theory states that people are also separated according to aptitude Although Meritocracy can refer to any form of government based on achievement. Like "utilitarian" and "pragmatic, The "most common definition of meritocracy conceptualizes merit in terms of tested competency and ability, and most likely, as measured by IQ or standardized achievement tests(2014). which separates people by their strengths and weakness’s such as math, English and poetry. When it is time to graduate there are grade point averages giving and many other things employers use to determine a position a person should take in a company depending on their strengths and weaknesses.
Given that a person's future should not be decided by factors outside of one's control, A meritocracy is a system where people are rewarded only on their efforts, if everybody is given