(affects the cardiac cavity). The main cause for Mesothelioma is the exposure of asbestos fibers being present.
When we inhale the fibers, our bodies begin to have trouble getting rid of them. They begin to travel to the ends of our air passages, leaving inflammation and scarring. However, it has been recorded that a small percentage of diagnosed patients with Mesothelioma has no record of asbestos fibers. Even though Mesothelioma is rare, there are about 2,500 diagnosis annual in the United States. To be diagnosed the patient must have a biopsy, showing the type and location of the cell. To perform the biopsy, doctors commonly use a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), a Computed Tomography (CT scan), or a Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Although there is no known cure for Mesothelioma, there are treatments available. Some treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, it’s challenging for doctors to diagnose patients with Mesothelioma, due to the symptoms being closely related to other respiratory diseases. The most common symptoms are chest pains, coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, night sweating, loss of appetite, and
nausea. Patients with Mesothelioma has a five to ten percentage of survival, mainly dying from respiratory problems or pneumonia. When the tumor starts attacking the heart, however, the patient will die from heart problems. Being diagnosed with Mesothelioma in 1997, Paul Kraus is the longest known living survivor as of 2015. Living with Mesothelioma is a challenge for patients. They start moving onto the negative side of life, thinking it’s their own fault. Patients begin to lose their own identity and the ability to live a normal life. Becoming more aware of their situation, patients with Mesothelioma begin to have frustration and anger issues due to their limits; allowing guilt, fear, and depression enter into their lives. “I can’t do the job I did, the job I loved, so that is different, so life is totally different. That’s why I get so frustrated… I feel guilty (about how it affects my family), but it’s not my fault, but I still feel responsible for it and how it affects them…” Even though Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer, it has affected many lives throughout time. With no cure for the tumor, there are treatments available; however, it only slows down the process of development. The idea of cancer shouldn’t be taken lightly as it can happen to anyone.