It is very shocking to see that companies would even put themselves through such trouble, but of course there’s always a reason for it. Many companies misclassify workers with one of the main reasons being that they want to free themselves from providing minimum wage, abiding by hour laws and not having to pay taxes since it saves employers between 20 to 40 percent when it comes to labor costs. Clearly many times the motives of misclassifying workers is more in the best interest of the employer than it is for the workers. Some other reasons as to why employers misclassify their workers are because they are avoiding laws by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), avoiding union organizations, they want to save money on the benefits that they provide and sometimes they even try to avoid verifying whether the people working for them are U.S. citizens or if they are covered by a work visa and this gives employers the opportunity to exploit immigrant workers who many not know the laws of the United States. This brings me to note the penalties that could arise with the misclassification of
It is very shocking to see that companies would even put themselves through such trouble, but of course there’s always a reason for it. Many companies misclassify workers with one of the main reasons being that they want to free themselves from providing minimum wage, abiding by hour laws and not having to pay taxes since it saves employers between 20 to 40 percent when it comes to labor costs. Clearly many times the motives of misclassifying workers is more in the best interest of the employer than it is for the workers. Some other reasons as to why employers misclassify their workers are because they are avoiding laws by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), avoiding union organizations, they want to save money on the benefits that they provide and sometimes they even try to avoid verifying whether the people working for them are U.S. citizens or if they are covered by a work visa and this gives employers the opportunity to exploit immigrant workers who many not know the laws of the United States. This brings me to note the penalties that could arise with the misclassification of