Followed by misrepresentation of African Americans within the media, modern day disenfranchisement and dismissal of black suffering, is a few of the obstacles faced by African Americans.
Refusal to acknowledge these issues faced by minorities, is choosing to remain complacent as people of color suffer before you. People of color are challenged with an issue called colorism, a more toxic form of racism. Colorism is the belief that a dark skin tone is more malevolent than a lighter skin tone.The silencing of African American outcry as complaining is racism itself. Through mass incarceration, redistricting and increasing mortality rate African Americans are disenfranchised. As such, possessing knowledge of all the issues that batter African Americans and declaring that racism is a construct of the past, is being complacent to the suffering of minorities at the hands of the American system. That is why there are movements like Black Lives Matter, that attempt to bring justice to African American
communities. Although all lives matter, the existence of the Black Lives Matter movement is validated by the existence of colorism, white dismissal of black suffering, modern day disenfranchisement.