English 205
6 February 2009
Drugs and Athletes Athletes around the world have different ways and strategies for them to succeed in their sport. Some athletes put numerous hours in training, conditioning and competing. All athletes have the same goal and that is to be on top, nobody trains to become second. With this, you think it is very easy for one to be an athlete. It requires time, dedication, passion and love for the sport if you dont have all this then you are just wasting your time.
Performance-enhancing drugs are substances used by athletes to improve their performances. There are different kinds of performance-enhancing drugs, here are some of them Lean mass bilders, Stimulants , Painkillers , and Blood boosters. These are just examples of some performance enhancing drugs used by athletes. …show more content…
Taking all these would not help your body and if you get caught that’s not going to do any good to you and to the sport because the media will be all over it and they wouldn’t stop talking about you until you quit. Taking this is really unfair to those athletes who are not taking it, getting an edge to play or perform better than other is I think not the best way of being successful in sports.
Natural talent is one of the best drugs you can have. You don’t have to pay for it, you don’t have to worry about it, you don’t have to worry about your body and you just have to work hard every single day to get better without taking any performance-enhancing drugs. I wish all athletes will not take drugs to perform better, if they don’t perform well in competitions then maybe there is something wrong with them or maybe that isn’t the right sport for them. They should not persue something that is not achievable, they should be realistic in the things they want in life. But, if you work really hard and put yourself into it then maybe talent with hardwork will make a big difference in the performance of the athlete.
My opinion to this is that drugs and athletes should be banned in all sports because most of the athletes that takes this drugs often dominates the sport and it is not fair to those athletes that doesn’t take any drugs at all. Every competition they should have a group of people that test all the athletes competing if they are taking any drugs before the competition. If they test positive then they should be fined or banned in that tournament and if they’re not then they should continue competing in that sport. I also think that one way in testing athletes is a random drug testing because this will help athletes not to take any drugs because you never know when you will be tested, so to be eligible in that certain competition you have to be drug free all the time. If you lose it doesn’t mean that you have to take the drugs to win the next competition but in fact this would motivate you to work harder and get better to win. All athletes suffer defeats, yet all the great athletes do like Micheal Jordan, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods and etc they didn’t win all the tournaments they joined. So why take drugs?
These are some effects on taking performance-enhancement drugs it will affect your academics, athletics, decision making, and even driving. This will affect your academics in a way that you will not be able to study and remember things in class because you had too much drugs already in your system. And for me as a student-athlete taking performance-enhancing drugs is a big no because I know a number of people doing this is my countru (philippines) and they all end up selling drugs no the street and even in jails. So i don’t really want to take that same path with them that’s why I am staying away of drugs. Drugs will also affect your ability to play because if you take drugs you think it will be really good for you but there are also downsides when you take this drugs. You will never really feel it until that day will come and you just feel really weak. This can also affect your decision making, you will be more stress than ever if you take this drugs because you only tend to think about yourself and your sport now. You dont worry about other people anymore. You are being self centered. And lastly, it will affect your driving because you will be thinking about it the whole time when you are driving and in a split of a second you already crash your car. With all the things said above, I think drugs is really not worth a shot, it will only give you harm and stress in your life.
In life all our actions are undertaken on a analysis of costs and benefits and it is advisable to be aware of the risks involved in our actions. Everything we do in our daily activities, from getting out of the bed each morning to taking a shower at night has its risks. But how much more foolish would it be to do something of which we are aware of its many risks and adverse effects all for the sake of obstinately trying to supercede human limitations. There are many negative consequences of taking performance-enhancement drugs such as injury, sexual aggression and addiction.
Injury is one of the top factors that can bar athletes from competing at their top level.
It is really hard for athletes to compete at their highest level without taking any performance-enhancing drugs especially in tennis when it goes to five sets and this guys are still playing at their best, it is just impossible to see how they were able to do it. If you don’t take this drugs then you will be injured for sure because your body is not used to working so hard for something. Sexual aggression is another factor athletes get when they are taking drugs because they will be very aggressive to their opposite sex maybe because there is a side effect of that certain drug they took that will make him/her aggressive. And lastly addicition, this is the one of the worst factors that athletes get from drugs. You know it is helping you in your sport and you know you are doing really well with the drugs you tend to take some more without any prescription from the doctor. No matter how much that drug would cost people taking it would find a way to get a hold of it because they know that it will help them a lot in their
Despite the negative consequences of consumption of performance-enhancing drugs, there are understandable reasons that it is common infraction by many athletes in different sports. There have even been movements to legalize the use of certain drugs by athletes, not to mention recreational drug use, which would increase performance capbilities, after all no one in their right mind would criminalize consumption of protein even though that is also proved to increase athletic performance. For those same reasons, why not legalize athletic drug use? Athletes are drawn towards drug use because it aids physical enhancement such as weight gain, better athletic performance, helps with building one’s physique and there is a low risk of getting caught.
In football, athletes needs to be a lot bigger and heavier so this needs lots of weight lifting but i guess some athletes are really not contented about it that is why they are taking performance-enhancement drugs to gain some more weight. They know that a couple of pounds extra will really help their game and team a lot in scoring a touchdown and preventing the other team to score a touchdown. One of the biggest reasons why athletes take performance-enhancement drugs is to have a better athletic performance. All athletes know that if they take this drug they know that they will be performing in a higher quality and if they take more they know the chances for them doing really well in their sport. It is just really unfair to those athletes who are not taking anything but trying their best working so hard every single day. The drug also helps the athletes build one’s physique, if the athlete is really not doing it to win, he/she is doing it just because he/she wants to look good then he for sure can also take this performance-enhancing drugs. For guys, he just wants to look good to get the girls attention because girls love athletes especially with good body the girls will be all over it. And lastly, if they take this performance-enhancement drugs the person taking this will have a low risk of getting caught because they don’t really test that much and if there’s a test they will lessen their intake so that if they are called to be tested they will not test positive in it. For example, the NCAA does random testing everymonth here on campus to test student-athletes if they are taking performance-enhancement drugs but the NCAA needs to notify the person tested 24 hours before testing. So there is really a slight chance of getting caught if someone is really taking such drug.