Mr. Ross
Pd. 4
In November of 2010 Phil Davison a Republican from the village of Minerva wrote a speech to the Stark County Republican Party, Executive Committee for the election of Stark County Treasurer. Throughout the speech Phil Davison uses pathos, ethos and logos appeals in order to gain votes and get elected for the position of Stark County Treasurer.
Phil Davison uses the logical appeal throughout his speech by using his experience and education. Phil Davison in the beginning of his speech uses the fact that he has “a master degree in Public Administration and in History” to prove he is more than capable for the position of Treasurer. He refers to his master degrees with the purpose of have the audience to know clearly how prepared he is for the position. Also he says, “I am serving my 13th year in Minerva Council Member, I ran for Stark County Clerk of court in 1996 and Stark County commissioner in 2000” to the audience marking his experience. He uses his experience in politics as reference that he is more than capable for the position of Treasurer. He uses all this facts in order to prove his audience that he knows what he is doing and they should vote for him. As Phil Davison uses logical appeal he also uses pathological appeal throughout his speech in order to win votes.
Phil Davison uses the pathological appeal throughout his speech by manipulation on the audiences' emotions in order to win the election. Phil Davison compares the past treasures have done to get to the audiences' emotions by saying, “We will not tolerate incompetence and irresponsibility any longer”. He includes himself to show them that he understands them if they feel angry and frustrated because he feels the same way about the problems in the Treasurer's Office. Continuing with the idea of the incompetence of the past treasurers later on he says to the audience to send a message to the people of the Stark County and Stark County