Pneumonia can cause pleurisy.It is a Latin word which means inflammation of the pleura (a membrane invest each lung).Pneumonia can spread outside …show more content…
A lung abscess occurs when pus fill cavity within the lungs. An abscess may also develop when food or some foreign matter block a bronchial passage. Therefore, they become accumulated and infected. The symptoms of lung abscess include physical and psychological symptoms. The physical symptoms are rapid heart rate, chest pain,and bluish discoloration of the skin.The psychological symptoms are fatigue and feeling of poor health.A lung abscess can be treated with antibiotics.It should be taken at least four to six weak.Moreover,Based on the location and size of the abscess, bronchoscopys
Is utilized for drainage pus out.However, if a lung abscess becomes severe and doesn’t respond to antibiotics, surgery is required to remove the infected lobe of the