Instructor: Stephen V. Hoyt, Ph.D. We: 15:10-16:30, 919, NES
Office: Room 922 (NES) Fr: 12:10-13:30, 5206, HSE
Office Hours: TBA Phone: +7 (903) 789-3931
Email: Skype: Stephen.vincent65
Description. The 1960s were a time of great transition and turmoil in the United States, from the hope brought about by the election of John F. Kennedy to the hopelessness at the end of the decade as a result of several years of war in Vietnam. It was a time of assassinations: John F. Kennedy and Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, in the pivotal year of 1968. It was decade when the sexual revolution swept the country and when women proclaimed their liberation from male dominance. The totality of this period will be explored, from protests to songs, literature to leisure and civil defense to civil rights. You will examine music, especially the transition from music about love and relationships to the more society-focused music at the end of the decade. In addition to writing critical essays and analyses, you will work in Project Based Learning (PBL) that will synthesize your interpretation of the material covered.
Student Outcomes. At the end of the course students will be able to
Identify and explain the main economic, political and social issues connected with the Sixties
Include a thesis statement that accurately guides ideas in all critical writing
Analyze songs at the surface and deep levels and explain their cultural context
Write reflections that include all five categories in reflective rubric
Work collaboratively to achieve agreed upon goals.
Class Attendance: when a student misses four or more classes during a quarter, that student will receive a zero (0) for the (30%) participation portion of the course. 10 or more minutes late will be considered an absence. Three lates equal one absence.
Mobile Phones/Laptops/Ipods: Not allowed under any