To become a registered nurse one must obtain an associates degree in nursing. Some students begin their career this way so they are able to work as well as go to school to obtain their bachelors in nursing. Many colleges offer an RN to BSN program specifically for this purpose. RNs usually find employment in the areas of infection control, health promotion and patient healthcare. They are also employed to look after patient care organizations in offices, educational institutions and community health services (Difference Between, 2011). In contrast, a nurse practitioner is required to attain a masters degree in nursing. For certain scopes of practice, advanced training is mandatory. To receive their NP licensure, forty-two states say it is necessary for them to obtain national certification. In comparison to the RN educational opportunities, some colleges offer RN to MSN programs. These programs tend to be longer than the RN to BSN program and require more from students who are deficient in RN experience (Nursing Schools,
To become a registered nurse one must obtain an associates degree in nursing. Some students begin their career this way so they are able to work as well as go to school to obtain their bachelors in nursing. Many colleges offer an RN to BSN program specifically for this purpose. RNs usually find employment in the areas of infection control, health promotion and patient healthcare. They are also employed to look after patient care organizations in offices, educational institutions and community health services (Difference Between, 2011). In contrast, a nurse practitioner is required to attain a masters degree in nursing. For certain scopes of practice, advanced training is mandatory. To receive their NP licensure, forty-two states say it is necessary for them to obtain national certification. In comparison to the RN educational opportunities, some colleges offer RN to MSN programs. These programs tend to be longer than the RN to BSN program and require more from students who are deficient in RN experience (Nursing Schools,