Leaving women to deal with the outcomes of childbearing with the men not being part of this important decision-making. Reproductive health underlies the responsibility of both men and women and their part in safe sex and the freedom to reproduce if one wants to or not. According to WHO, it states that men and women must have the same right to reproductive health knowledge, this involves being able to have affordable and have acceptable reproductive regulation of their choice and their right to access health care services. (D’Hooghe 2012) If all is met successfully, rates of fecundity can be stable and healthy. Although methods of enhancing reproductive health exists, inequities of reproductive health get in the way such as sex: differences of being male and female, age: being too young, geography: living in rural versus urban, ethnicity: indigenous non-indigenous and finally level of income: ranging from low to
Leaving women to deal with the outcomes of childbearing with the men not being part of this important decision-making. Reproductive health underlies the responsibility of both men and women and their part in safe sex and the freedom to reproduce if one wants to or not. According to WHO, it states that men and women must have the same right to reproductive health knowledge, this involves being able to have affordable and have acceptable reproductive regulation of their choice and their right to access health care services. (D’Hooghe 2012) If all is met successfully, rates of fecundity can be stable and healthy. Although methods of enhancing reproductive health exists, inequities of reproductive health get in the way such as sex: differences of being male and female, age: being too young, geography: living in rural versus urban, ethnicity: indigenous non-indigenous and finally level of income: ranging from low to