Something crushed the chicken wire around me. Metal ripped on metal and I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape my …show more content…
In Bless Me, Ultima, the narrator is a young boy named Antonio who lives in a Spanish-speaking community. Anaya also incorporates many Spanish words such as “llano” to set the tone. Furthermore, instead of stating facts like Lee chooses to do, Anaya’s style goes from idea to idea, blending together with seemingly no plan of where it is going. The entire novel consists of Antonio’s river of thoughts, including his dreams and flashbacks. Along the way, Anaya adds many seemingly extraneous details, but later they will come into play. Anaya’s style also includes many flashbacks that will foreshadow events that are to come later. In Antonio’s early flashback, Anaya’s writing style is clearly shown when he flashes back to when he was