Throughout Salvation history it foreshadows the coming of Jesus Christ and the different persons of the Trinity. All three persons of the Trinity are seen in the three parts of Salvation history and the nature of it. Also the Trilemma of Jesus is talked about and who he really is. The fulfilments that Jesus makes towards Messianic hope is seen. Jesus’ claims of divinity are the basis for the Catholic teaching on the Trinity, the Identity of Jesus, and Salvation History. “Then beginning with Moses & all the prophets, he interpreted to them what referred to him in all the scriptures” (Lk 24:25-27). Salvation history contains three stages, preparation, fulfillment, and church. In preparation it talks about the father and the Old Testament which leads up to the coming of Jesus. In fulfilment it talks about Jesus and the new testament. In church it talks about after Jesus and the apostles. Also throughout Salvation History there are multiple examples of typology. The pharaoh and the devil can be seen as a type. The Red sea and baptism can be seen as a type; when Moses crosses the Red Sea it is seen as the Jews being washed clean of their sins. Moses and Jesus can be seen as a type; Moses is a descendent of Abraham and so is Jesus, Abraham frees the Jews from the pharaoh and Jesus died for our sins. Ark of the Covenant and …show more content…
In the Old Testament Messianic hope is told in Gen 3:15 where it discusses first hint of Messiah being born of a woman. Also in Gen 3:15 the serpent lures Adam and Eve into believing him and not God. In the New Testament Messianic hope is fulfilled in Jn 3:16 Jesus is born of Mary and becomes her and God's son. In Lk 1: 26-38 Mary’s yes to God to bear His son undoes Eve’s no making her the new Eve and Jesus the new Adam. In Lk 4: 16-21 Jesus reads the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and after reading it to everyone he says “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your