
Essay On Selective Enforcement

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A lot of corrupt is happening in police departments today. Not all officers are corrupt, but a lot are found guilty of violations of their code of conduct. Different violations have occurred, such as bribes, theft, perjury, extortion, and selective enforcement. Some officers take bribes to hide records or drop evidence of crimes committed. Also, some officers take bribes to alter testimonies in court and traffic stops. Lately, the most common type of corrupt police officers has been committing has been selective enforcement. Selective enforcement can be when a police officer’s uses a different type of forces to detain towards a specific race of people. Not all officers are corrupt but some are. In 2010, it was reported that 4,861 incidents …show more content…

They were all charged with first degree murder for killing seventeen- year-old James Brissete who was innocent and unarmed on the Danzinger bridge. So cases with innocent people being killed hasn’t just started happening in the past years, it has been decades when officers were killing innocent people, it is just more common now. Selective enforcement is one of the biggest problems today faced in police departments. Selective Enforcement that the law is enforced only against certain individuals or groups. One case of selective enforcement that has happened recently was when Dylann Roof went to Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC and killed nine innocent people. The next morning the police arrested him and gave him a bullet proof jacket and protected him from the local African American community. Now, it has been plenty of other cases when unarmed African American were killed by police officers. Stats shows that at least 102 unarmed black people were killed in 2015 by police officers. Unarmed black people that were killed was 5 times the rate of white unarmed people in

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