
Essay On Sex Trafficking

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Sex trafficking is a worldwide epidemic affecting hundreds of thousands of people, sex trafficking is a booming business that can make anyone a target; regardless of age, gender and nationality. Although sex trafficking has higher numbers in less developed countries it is still a problem in the United States, as long as there is a demand there will be a market for it. There are many situations where

"Human trafficking is the recruitment and transportation of people from one place to another, or one country to another, by using deception or force for the purpose of exploitation." (IOM). One form of exploration of humans that are trafficked is sex trafficking, sex trafficking happens when someone uses force, false promises, or persuasion to
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If a victim is released it is for one of two reasons, either they got pregnant or they are worn down and there is no use for them.

Another big problem for victims being trafficked is sexualy transmitted diseases, because there are little rules that are made. Even if there is a rule to use condoms a client can usually pay the higher ups more to not use one. Because of this lack of protection there are many disease spread. When a victim contracts the disease they are almost never given medical attention, because going to a doctor is too high a risk of being caught, so the victim will usually have to live with an untreated disease, and also continue to spread it to others.

The victims chosen to be trafficked usually come from similar back stories, usually being young females, come from small families, uneducated, and mostly poor or homeless. Victims can be found family like Ruth, through social networking site, clubs or bars, or through schools like Scaharay. The people trafficking others for sex are usually males with dominating and manipulative personalities. Numbers taken from tell that from the years of 2007 to 2015 there was a reported number of 25,696 cases of human trafficking. This number is high and over the years the number of reported cases have increased due to education on the subject. Because people know now what sex trafficking is and how brutal it can be they are more inclined to find ways to

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