"Human trafficking is the recruitment and transportation of people from one place to another, or one country to another, by using deception or force for the purpose of exploitation." (IOM). One form of exploration of humans that are trafficked is sex trafficking, sex trafficking happens when someone uses force, false promises, or persuasion to …show more content…
cause a commercial sex act, adult or minor. Things like prostitution, pornography, and sexual performance are considered commercial sex acts. Almost all people who are trafficked had no intent to do this form of work.
For someone to be exposed to trafficking can be for a number a reasons, being offered a job, being kidnapped, to gain protection, experience adventure, or thoughts of finding love or being married off. In a book titled Half the Sky written by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn there is a story about a young girl named Ruth, Ruth came from a poor family and a distant uncle came to her home and told her parents about a work opportunity across the country that would allow her to make money and also gain an education. Ruth's uncle was affiliated with a clan known as the Nuits, and the Nuits ran a brothel where he ended up taking Ruth to work for. In the story Ruth tells about her first night in the brothel and how a man brought in four clients who were interested in buying sex, at the time Ruth was only fourteen years old. Her first night Ruth
was beaten and raped repeatedly and it is said this is common practice for 'breaking' girls in for years of torture. Ruth goes on to tell her chilling story of being drugged and beaten to comply with rules, also how she was rarely fed and given no money or freedom from the brothel. After three years of being kept inside and not being let out Ruth was allowed to go out on the street to wave in coustmers after a couple of year of gaining the trust from the brothel she convinced them to let her venture further than the front street, that was when she made her great escape.
Ruth's story is a chilling story but it is reality for girls all over the world, bring tricked into preforming sex acts with no gain for themselves. Many would question why Ruth waited so long to escape, the answer is many girls, especially when recruited at a young age, are minipulated into thinking that these actions are common and acceptable. Other reasons are that many girls who are involved in sex trafficking are beaten and afraid for their lives if they try to escape.
In early stages of sex trafficking the trafficker will dose the victims with drugs that make them more compliant than they would if they were sober, and in a lot of instances victims can become addicted to the drugs making it hard to leave the people providing the drugs. Another story in Half The Sky tells about how one of the authors once bought several girls to send them back to their families. In one case a girl stayed home for less than a month because she became addicted to the drugs being given to her and the only way she felt she could get the drug was to go back to the people who took her in the first place. This a sad representation of how the traffickers can take control of their victims even when they aren't directly in contact with them.
There are many ways someone can be brought into the trafficking world as a victim and there are some, not many, who go into sex work willingly, not aware of the extent it will lead to. In a story that I found the news page for CNN news where Dana Ford interviewed a women
named Scacharay. Scacharay tells about how she had always been an outcast in her school and how finding friends was always hard for her, she explains how she met a girl who seemed to be her friend and after a couple weeks of friendship suggested that her and Scacharay skip school and go meet the other girls friend. Scacraray was introduced to a man who showed her a lot of positive attention, telling her she was beautiful and buying her nice things. After some time the man who was in his late forty's, Scaharay only fourteen, asked to have sex with her since this positive attention was new to her she agreed, after some months of this treatment the man brought a friend to meet Scaharay and asked her if she would have sex with him, that if she did then he would be able to make money from it. Scaharay uncomfortable but not willing to lose the relationship she had with the man she agreed, this went on for two more years before the man got tired of her and threw her to the curb leaving her without a high school education, poor, and broken inside.
Victims of sex trafficking usually make it out alive, but there are stories from survivors about having seen others get killed to make a point and scare the others. In the book Half The Sky a story was told by one of the survivors about a girl who tried to escape from a brothel was taken in front of all of the girls and was raped and beaten to death. After the girls saw this no one else tried to escape. Once being trafficked survivors deal with many challenges because when they are trafficked their whole lives are controlled by someone else. Victims are told when to sleep, eat, what to wear, and often when they resist direction they are beat. Survivors will walk out of the situation with many psychological problems, and many with drug problems. It isn’t uncommon when free a victim will turn back to practicing sex work because it is the only lifestyle that they knew. Suicide is also high in numbers with sex trafficking victims once they
are either released or escape.
If a victim is released it is for one of two reasons, either they got pregnant or they are worn down and there is no use for them.
Another big problem for victims being trafficked is sexualy transmitted diseases, because there are little rules that are made. Even if there is a rule to use condoms a client can usually pay the higher ups more to not use one. Because of this lack of protection there are many disease spread. When a victim contracts the disease they are almost never given medical attention, because going to a doctor is too high a risk of being caught, so the victim will usually have to live with an untreated disease, and also continue to spread it to others.
The victims chosen to be trafficked usually come from similar back stories, usually being young females, come from small families, uneducated, and mostly poor or homeless. Victims can be found family like Ruth, through social networking site, clubs or bars, or through schools like Scaharay. The people trafficking others for sex are usually males with dominating and manipulative personalities. Numbers taken from poaralisproject.org tell that from the years of 2007 to 2015 there was a reported number of 25,696 cases of human trafficking. This number is high and over the years the number of reported cases have increased due to education on the subject. Because people know now what sex trafficking is and how brutal it can be they are more inclined to find ways to