One symptom of autism is stunted social skills. Instances of such behavior is indicated when the child fails to acknowledge when a parent calls out their name, nor …show more content…
do they appear to not hear you calling them. Children with autism also tend to live in a world of their own. They prefer to play alone, sometimes disregarding other children in the vicinity, even resist being held and hugged. Other symptoms include no eye contact and using another person's hand to communicate something.
Another sign of autism is the lack of communication and the delayed start of language.
Where most children start imitating sounds, words and gestures, children with autism do not communicate as early and do not often show the desire to communicate. And when they do talk, they speak in a strange tone. Where gestures are concerned, the child with autism tends to focus on the gesture itself and not the object of the gesture. For example, if you point at an object, the child with autism will look at the hand rather than the object.
Lastly, behavior should be noted. Children with autism tend to stick to repetitive behavior. They could be stacking books, jars, or blocks, create straight lines with their toys, flap their hands, rocking their body, etc. They are also disturbed with changes in routine. They also tend to focus all their attention on a particular part of an object- a spinning wheel of a toy car.
Other signs of autism apart from these three major things include super skills like gross memorization of data and superior skills in musical instruments, often termed as "autistic savants." Some develop sensitivity to too much stimuli like light and noise, and under-responsivity like walking into doors and
Parents should not be disheartened when their child displays signs of autism. Oftentimes, reinforcement of a positive nature helps the child to cope and live a life that is relatively normal. Today, while there is still much research to be done in terms of the science behind the disorder, parents should still consult with their pediatrician for the appropriate diagnosis and subsequent treatment. A cure is yet to be developed, but acceptance and positive environment will surely help the child succeed in whatever endeavor.