I conducted an experiment where I went to several public settings and held a conversation with myself using an animated voice. People normally don’t talk to themselves in a public setting, but they might in the private of their own home. I noted the many different reactions I received from people. I conducted my experiment in several public places including; the park, Shop Rite market, and the mall. All my experiments were done in the evening around 4 and 5pm. My girlfriend recorded me while I acted out this social
I conducted an experiment where I went to several public settings and held a conversation with myself using an animated voice. People normally don’t talk to themselves in a public setting, but they might in the private of their own home. I noted the many different reactions I received from people. I conducted my experiment in several public places including; the park, Shop Rite market, and the mall. All my experiments were done in the evening around 4 and 5pm. My girlfriend recorded me while I acted out this social