I am studying in exercise science because I know I am interested and also important can learn important skills to have later in life. As I continue my academic career in college in helping others physically and mentally, but there are many requirements and you have to plan for the rest of your life. I want to become either an athletic trainer or physical therapist. Me going to college will help me be more successful in life. The sociological imagination creates links to the wide society in a complentary way. People that understand the sociological imagination is able to understand the meaning for the inner experience and outer life of the individual. Schudson argues that “the sociological imagination allows us to critically investigate reality instead of passively observing it.” Andreev expands on that by explaining that individuals who are positioned at different social and economic points in society hold different views of the world. Rushing argues that education is not always the solution but rather a source of new social and economic inequalities since we can never escape from the factors of class, gender and race. As a result, the concept of the sociological imagination needs to be applied to a system of education as well to understand what impact that education will produce on different groups of people. I have found through my analysis that in order to use the sociological …show more content…
The world of C. Wright Mills is disappearing on the internet people have no sociological imagination. People on the internet are fast becoming a society with no past or future there is just the present what is being done right at this moment. I want this type of life so does that mean I have sociological imagination in regard to the internet and how I will use it in my