“Corticosteroids effectively induce remission but do not prevent relapse.” (Tidy) Athletes that are abusing steroids are making it more difficult for people in need to receive them as well as giving steroids a bad name. Athletes that abuse steroids to enhance performance are not only cheating by taking these drugs, but are also taking a great number of health risks. “Steroids are generally used in cycles and are often taken in stacks.” (Lenahan, 34) When athletes take steroids they are taking lab induced testosterone. “Athletes that take these synthetic form of testosterone hoping to gain strength and muscle density, decrease recovery time after training, and reduce the incidence of injury during intense workouts.” (Doorley) The benefits of taking steroids are outweighed by the health risks that can cause horrible side effects, serious injury and death. Side effects from taking steroids are anger issues (random rage), depression, liver abnormalities, tumors, heart and circulatory impairment. These side effects can be life threatening
“Corticosteroids effectively induce remission but do not prevent relapse.” (Tidy) Athletes that are abusing steroids are making it more difficult for people in need to receive them as well as giving steroids a bad name. Athletes that abuse steroids to enhance performance are not only cheating by taking these drugs, but are also taking a great number of health risks. “Steroids are generally used in cycles and are often taken in stacks.” (Lenahan, 34) When athletes take steroids they are taking lab induced testosterone. “Athletes that take these synthetic form of testosterone hoping to gain strength and muscle density, decrease recovery time after training, and reduce the incidence of injury during intense workouts.” (Doorley) The benefits of taking steroids are outweighed by the health risks that can cause horrible side effects, serious injury and death. Side effects from taking steroids are anger issues (random rage), depression, liver abnormalities, tumors, heart and circulatory impairment. These side effects can be life threatening