About syphilis. Syphilis happens in three stages. The first stage starts with a singular sore called a chancre. It last from 3-6 weeks and can heal itself. If it is not treated properly it can spread and evolve into stage two. Stage two the infected may find sores in the mouth, anus, or vagina. These are called mucous membrane lesions. The second stage can also cause a rash on …show more content…
Syphilis can be easily treated if the patient has had it for under a year. It can be usually treated quickly with one shot of Penicillin. Although if you have had the infection for more than a year more doses may have to be given to get rid of the infection. Patients being treated must not have sexual contact with anyone. The sexual partner of the person infected should be tested and treated if necessary.
Ways of preventing it. There is no actual vaccination to prevent syphilis.The best way to prevent yourself from getting syphilis is by avoiding sexual contact with a person you know is affected with syphilis. If you are unsure if the person you are in contact with has syphilis wear a condom to help prevent getting it. Those are the only ways for you to prevent from getting it.
Chances of catching it. Syphilis is most contagious and can be easily caught during the first and second stage. You can be easily infected if you are having unprotected sex with many people. If you are careful and wear protection when being sexually active the chances of getting infected are drastically reduced. It also helps to wash after sexual activity to wash any bacteria off of you. Also make sure the other person is sanitary