Because the test favors one group over another on can say that, this is a violation to standard 3.01 Unfair Discrimination due to a groups age, race, gender, or etc. With these, finding it will diminish the validity of the test because a valid test should be unbiased and fair (Salkind, 2013, p. 295). The National Center for Fair and Open Testing states there are five basic principles for obtaining a fair and non-bias test which include: 1. Assessments should be fair and valid, 2. Assessments should be open, 3. Tests should be used appropriately, 4. Evaluation of students and school should be consist of multiple types of assessment conducted over time, 5. Alternative assessments should be used (Salkind, 2013, Chapter 18). This cannot change unless we follow the ethical standards for both test bias and test fairness. The standards that I found to be related to test bias was as followed: 3.01 Unfair Discrimination, 5.01 Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements, 5.04 Media Presentations, 6.02 Maintenance, Dissemination, and Disposal of Confidential Records of Professional and Scientific Work, 8.01 Institutional Approval, 9.01 Bases for Assessments, 9.09 Test Scoring and Interpretation Services, 9.10 Explaining Assessment Results (Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct,
Because the test favors one group over another on can say that, this is a violation to standard 3.01 Unfair Discrimination due to a groups age, race, gender, or etc. With these, finding it will diminish the validity of the test because a valid test should be unbiased and fair (Salkind, 2013, p. 295). The National Center for Fair and Open Testing states there are five basic principles for obtaining a fair and non-bias test which include: 1. Assessments should be fair and valid, 2. Assessments should be open, 3. Tests should be used appropriately, 4. Evaluation of students and school should be consist of multiple types of assessment conducted over time, 5. Alternative assessments should be used (Salkind, 2013, Chapter 18). This cannot change unless we follow the ethical standards for both test bias and test fairness. The standards that I found to be related to test bias was as followed: 3.01 Unfair Discrimination, 5.01 Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements, 5.04 Media Presentations, 6.02 Maintenance, Dissemination, and Disposal of Confidential Records of Professional and Scientific Work, 8.01 Institutional Approval, 9.01 Bases for Assessments, 9.09 Test Scoring and Interpretation Services, 9.10 Explaining Assessment Results (Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct,