When Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses he didn't agree that the Pope had the kind of power to tell people they could go strait to heaven if they bought an indulgence.
A indulgence is where you go and pay for Rome to write a persons name on the piece of paper and if you did that they would save you how ever many years off of purgatory. He knew the indulgences were a lie so, he was mad they were taking people who didn't have a lot of moneys money. See Martin Luther knew the Pope wasn’t different than anyone else so he is trying to tell people these indulgences won’t do anything for you. He thought only God could save you. Rome didn't like him saying this tho so, he got sent to Rome to talk to them and the Pope.
Luther’s writings were condemned on November 19,1518 by the Pope because the Pope said Luther’s writing were conflicting with the teaching of the Church. The Pope announced on July 1520 that Luther had 120 days to come to Rome but Luther refused. On January 3,1521 Pope Leo demanded Martin Luther from the Catholic Church and on April 17,1521 Luther came before them but still would not recant. He said to them”Here I stand. God help me. I can do no other.” May 25 The roman emperor signed a command against Luther saying all his writings would be burned. Luther hid in the Town Eisenach for the next
Luther’s questioning to the Church was the reason Churches split. People thought he was right by saying only God would save you but others thought the Pope and Church were the ones who could save you. So,when Luther returned people went to what ever church they thought was teaching the truth.The Roman Catholic Church split and that spread to other countries. So, because of Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses we can choose what type of Church we go to.
The church dividing was not a bad thing that happened. People now can choose the way they do thing in choose if they like a way one church does something they can go there. People nowadays are Non denominational, catholic,baptist,and methodist there are many more to many to say. Today there are 43,000 denominations since the year 2012.